Monday 1 April 2024

Be the Hero: Sign Up as an Organ Donor Today!

I was at the Driver's License office the other week, getting my license renewed. As I waited in the lobby for the doors to open, I noticed a QR code on the wall... it was for organ donation.

I'm a big fan of organ donation. I have a t-shirt from the Kidney Foundation that I bought at some point. On the front it says...

"Don't take your organs to Heaven"

On the back it says...

"Heaven knows we need them here."

Two Minutes to Register

It used to be that you could register as an organ donor just by having the sticker on your Driver's License, but that is no longer good enough. Now, it needs to be tied to your provincial health card number.

The sign by the QR code said it would take 2 minutes. So I did it... And it did indeed take only 2 minutes. It's a very small step... but one that could have HUGE benefits for numerous people...

Driver's License Stickers are Passé

Did you know 95% of BC residents support organ donation? Yep... that means, the odds are... if you  are reading this, you support organ donation. Yay!!! The kicker is... only 30% of BC residents have registered as organ donors. Oh... you remember putting a sticker on your driver's license... years ago? That is passé... today, you need to be in the organ donor registry.

Too Old? Too Young?

But wait... you're too old you say? The oldest organ donor in Canada was 92! The oldest tissue donor was 104!! Let the specialists decide. It's never too early... or too late to become an organ donor.

Think you're too young?? Anyone 16 or older can register to become an organ/tissue donor. 

Religious Concerns?

You're not sure if your religion supports organ donation? Well... as it turns out, most religions support and even encourage organ donation. Here's a link to the American Kidney Foundation... find your religion on the list and see what it says... Most religions leave the decision up to you. Many see it as a voluntary act of charity and love while some actually see it is obligatory if you can save a life (Judaism). Yep... if your dead body could save a life... or many lives... why would you NOT do it???

So unless you practice Shinto or are a Gypsy... you're good to go!

Lackadaisical Doctors?

Some potential donors are afraid that doctors won't try to save their life with all the power that is in their possession but... that is not true. Organ donation is only considered after all life saving efforts have been exhausted and it is certain that you will not survive.

Oh... and only 1% of deaths in BC are viable organ donation scenarios... you basically have to be on a ventilator in ICU. Heck, you are six times more likely to NEED an organ donation than to actually BE an organ donor. Your tissue needs to be a match to a recipient and the odds of that are very small. Which is why we need more people to register to be organ donors!

Medical Condition?

You have a medical condition? You are worried it will disqualify you? Well, let the doctors make that decision when the time comes. You and I are (mostly) not medical professionals... we don't know. They do.

Open Casket Funeral?

But can you still have an open casket funeral? Yes, you can. Specialist surgeons will remove and prepare your organs and you'll still be able to have an open casket funeral.

What you Can Donate

It's your choice. And you get to choose which organs you wish to be donated. Everything from this list is possible:

  • heart
  • liver
  • kidneys
  • pancreas
  • bowel
  • eyes
  • tissue (heart valves, bones, tendons, skin, veins, arteries)
  • lungs
  • used for research

Me? I signed up for all of it. 

Tell Your Loved Ones!

You also get to leave an optional message for your loved ones at the time of donation/decision. This makes it easier for your loved ones to know what your wishes were and to relieve them of having to make the hard decision. 

How Many Lives can be Saved?

So... the burning question is... how many lives can one (1) organ donor save??

  1. Five
  2. Eight
  3. Ten
  4. One
I'll give you a minute....

 ***elevator music***

According to Canadian Blood Services...

A single organ donor can save up to eight lives!

And eye and tissue donors can improve the lives of up to 75 patients!

Win. Win. Win. Win. Win. Win. Win. Win!

Sign up! It takes Two Minutes

Why wait? There's no reason to wait. It takes 2 (two) minutes... all you need is your BC Personal Health Number. Remember... you're not too old or too sick. Odds are, you are one of the 95% of British Columbians that support it! (If you're not a BC resident... keep reading!)

Just go here... Organ Donor Registry ( sign-up. Maybe you'll be one of the lucky 1% who get chosen to be an organ donor when your time comes. And if not... at least you tried. You're still a hero!

If you're in Alberta - it's also super easy, all done online - Alberta Organ Donor Registry 

If you live elsewhere... just google your state/province and "organ donation"... you'll find the site quickly.

One final thing... tell your loved ones about your decision. Ultimately, at the time of your death, when the doctors show them your organ donor registration consent... your family or loved ones need to know this is really what you wanted. Families are more likely to agree to the donation if they know what your wishes were.

In Canada, we have an organ donor awareness day/week in April known as Green Shirt Day in honour of Logan Boulet... a member of the Humboldt Broncos ice hockey team. Even in the face of that tragic day in 2018, and the death of their son, Logan's parents respected his wishes as a registered organ donor and his organs saved 6 lives. His coach, who had inspired Logan to be an organ donor, also died and saved another 6 lives.

If Logan could do it. You can do it too.

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