Wednesday 7 June 2023

The Bicycle Lives!!

Yes!! I did it!! I took my bike in to the shop (it fit in the hatchback). Win for me! Now... when I got there, the guy said they were booking for June 22 but... but... they could probably squeeze me in if I just left it there. Yes, please!

And then... less than a week later, I got the phone call that it was ready to pick up. I got a new gear shifter thingie and... I got tested for my sit bones. Which means I bought another bike saddle. They think the one I have is a bit old, worn out and a bit too soft. Your sit bones push down into the softness which then rebounds and pinches the soft tissue which... leads to sore butt.

OK... well... the saddle has a 30 day money back guarantee so I am going to give it a whirl and see how it goes. Apparently, a saddle that is too soft is not a good idea... so that is good to know. 

I am very proud of myself. I actually did it. Something that I have been meaning to do since last year... and the year before. Get the bike tuned up and get a new saddle. I now have no excuse. I can get on my bike and go for a bike ride. And if my butt hurts... then off to the bike shop I go for a new saddle. Fingers crossed that this one is the ticket!

It's always amazing to me how it is these small things... just figuring out if the bike fits into the hatchback... that keep me from doing things. It's a small thing to have a conversation with the bike shop staff and ask about getting my sit bones measured. And yet these small things keep me from doing so many big things

Because now... with a bike that works, I can pedal off to Starbucks in the mornings and:

  1. get some exercise
  2. reduce my carbon footprint
  3. reduce my gasoline ($$) usage
  4. get some exercise
It's a win-win-win all the way around. Fingers crossed it actually works!! So... yet another small step that yields big results.

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