Sunday 30 April 2023

Getting Back on the Path

Do you ever get derailed from your path? Happens to me all the time. This last time, it was a perfect storm of events. I just keep reminding myself that getting derailed is just part of life and the trick is really to get back on the path as quickly as possible.

So what derailed me most recently? Well... we decided to get new carpets installed in the three bedrooms, which meant we had to move all of the furniture out of those rooms... into the living room and dining room. That included taking everything off of the walls (don't ask me why...). Given the upheaval, we thought that would also be a good time to get the three bedrooms repainted. Oh... and might as well get new baseboards put in as well...

All of this meant that the house was is a high state of chaos for a good week, and in mild chaos for much longer. My office was dismantled and I set up the computer at the dining table, a tiny nook of sanity in a sea of stuff. We had a small... very small... sense of what hoarding might be like. Neither one of us is keen to repeat this anytime soon!

On top of all that, I came down with a nasty sinus cold during all of this. My energy tanked while the carpet guy, carpenter and painters were busily working on the house. Flopped on the couch, napping, sipping chicken noodle soup, and generally trying to rest. Ugh. A few days after I got sick, my partner started feeling the inevitable sore throat. Double ugh.

Oh, and to top it all off... our healthy eating went out the window. We caved and started inhaling junk food... and roast chicken from the grocery store. We could say that cooking became too much... which is true, given I do most of the cooking, but... the junk food is another thing. Mind you... with the roast chicken in hand, I did make some chicken soup which is always good for a cold, right?

Soooo... stretching, meditating, journaling, blogging... all of it fell by the wayside. I am finally feeling a bit better and give a lot of credit to the nasal sinus rinses that I've been doing several times a day. Nothing more satisfying than evicting several large accumulations of nasal secretions!

As I reintegrate with my To-do list, I'm focusing on the priorities - things like getting the Airbnb cleaned after a guest check-out, buying groceries, getting some meal-planning on the go, revisiting our veggie bed planting plan for the spring.

It's amazing how dropping off the path for a week can create such a backlog of tasks, projects, etc. I could rail against it, and berate myself for getting sick but... really... it was a perfect time to get sick - work was slow, the office was torn apart anyhow, we didn't have a urgent Airbnb turnover and... that's actually pretty good.

Now, it's just to pick up the threads... and realize that life is fully of these unexpected detours. While it's amazing and wonderful to have a plan and a path all mapped out, that's not how life works. There are always going to be unexpected road blocks, detours, and pauses. It's not to rage against them... but to work with them. Sometimes the unexpected detours lead to some lovely vistas and places we normally wouldn't have gone.

So settle back and enjoy the ride.

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