Wednesday 4 November 2020

In the News - Tim Hortons & Burger King jump on eco-bandwagon

Well... on top of the Tim Horton's eliminating double-cupping... they are now jumping on another eco-bandwagon.

The company signed a deal last month with TerraCycle Loop to try out reusable cups and containers with deposits.

Customers buy their Timmies double-double, pay a small deposit, get their coffee in a reusable cup, which they can later return for a refund.

The cups and containers will then be professionally cleaned by TerraCycle and sent back out for reuse. And it's not just Timmies, Burger King has jumped on the bandwagon as well.

It's an admirable move... trying to reduce the amount of single-use plastics and single-use disposable packaging. I can't tell you how many Timmies cups I've found lying on the ground in local parks, often with a garbage can mere meters away. And let's not mention the number of cans and bottles (all with refundable deposits) that also clutter up local parks and roadways.

Sooo... if people still toss cans and bottles (which have deposits)... why do we think Timmies coffee drinkers will be any different? Or maybe it's just an incentive for litter-picker-uppers... one more thing that can be returned for a deposit and cold hard cash.

I'm a bit skeptical about this Timmies venture. Far better to encourage people to bring their own reusable cups (if Covid-19 ever loosens its grip on us) and or tiffin containers - be it a tiffin tin or just a rubbermaid container with a lid.

It remains to be seen how this will play out. I saw another headline go by, while researching TerraCycle, which noted that Loblaws had partnered with them in February 2019 in certain parts of the country (Toronto of course). The idea being that customers could return empty PC product containers (in a new durable, reusable format) via Loop. I haven't been able to find any recent news articles about the success/failure of this project... perhaps derailed by Covid-19.

What do you think... a success or not?

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