Friday 24 July 2020

Reading Challenge

A few years ago, I started a reading challenge - the goal was to read 100 books in one year. And blog about them... It wasn't just any 100 books as well, I was aiming for books that had changed the world - things like War & Peace, Silent Spring, 1984, Brave New World, etc.

I got through 52 books by June 30 of 2017 and... had to call it quits. Life had gotten way too busy and the book reading was becoming a challenge... well... more of a challenge than I had expected. Actually, it wasn't the reading that was a challenge so much as taking notes on the books and then writing a blog post every single day documenting what I had read and any insights I had gleaned.

Anyhow... on July 1 of this year, I picked up the gauntlet again. What I find is that reading intentional books (not just some novels that I've reread 10 times already) and blogging about them, cross-pollinates my other writing (like this blog)... I've also re-jigged my reading list to include more BIPOC books as well as environmental books. I am relying on the library to a large extent for my reading material sooo... I have to kind of take it as it comes. I just finished Romeo Dallaire's book on the Rwandan Genocide, Shake Hands with the Devil which was an insanely hard slog. And scampered through The Alchemist at the same time.

My goal is to read 50 pages a day and blog about it every day... It's not a ridiculous goal - that's only about an hour of reading a day. Small steps... that's what it's all about...

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