Tuesday 21 April 2020

Reassing the Path

When the idea for this blog popped into my head back in mid-January, the Virus was just a teensy-tiny blip on the horizon. I wanted to write a blog about taking tiny steps towards health for myself and for the planet. I wrote posts with wild abandon throughout February and into early March. Some of them were post-dated and are still coming out over the next few weeks.
But then the Virus hit and it felt a bit like my blog got hijacked by the enormity of what was happening. So, I began to intersperse real-time posts with post-dated posts. Because, honestly, there is sooo much to write about! I could link to so many news articles and spin a blog post out of each one. So many side trails to explore!!

And yet... I don't want this blog to morph into a Virus blog. Do I? Or is that all part of health for me and the planet? Afterall, the Small Steps thing still works for the Virus. Heck, even the shrinks are recommending small steps as a way to manage our mental health during a lock-down. The uncertainty is overwhelming and incredibly draining, so taking one small step is sometimes the only thing we can do. So, I still sit here, three days a week and look to write something that moves me in the direction of health... for myself, my community and the planet.

Overgrown trail
It's definitely harder though... and part of me feels like I might have lost a bit of my mojo. I was heading up a pretty clear path with my writing and now... the trail has gotten kinda overgrown and I'm having to stop and reassess... where the heck am I? And where am I going?

Part of me also wonders if anyone, other than my partner, is reading this! And then I wonder... does it really make any difference? After all, I'm primarily writing for me, to get my thoughts out of my head and onto paper/screen. It helps me work through complex topics and I get clearer on things as a result. So, if I'm writing for me... then I guess I'm the one that gets to decide on the path... and whether it's the "right" one or whether I've strayed too far off course.

Or perhaps, it's just to let the path take me where it will... maybe it's a bit of a detour, or even a big detour... but as long as I'm taking small steps... I'm gonna get there.

Windfall on a trail...
Or, wait... is there even any "there" to get to? Or is this writing all about the journey? Is it not about me making this practice of small steps into a daily habit in so many different areas of my life. From productivity (scheduling tasks is working very well, thank you very much), to diet (stepping away from animal protein and embracing new plant-based recipes one step at a time), to climate action (small steps to use my bike more and the truck less).

Which I guess leaves me with... there is no "right" path... or a "wrong" path... it just is... A Path... My Path... and as I write, I move along a path, one step at a time and the adventure lies in the journey. So I'll stay the course, and work with the detours and the windfall... it's all part of the adventure.

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