Tuesday 31 March 2020

Working from Home - The Clash of Two Wills

Every morning I sit down to work on a blog post, either for this blog, or for my other blog. Because I've been booted out of Starbucks by Covid 19, I've had to make a hasty readjustment to working solely from home.

It's interesting, because as addicted as I was to hot chocolate, I was also equally addicted to going to Starbucks in the morning. It was a way for me to get away from home and have some alone time to work on something without interruptions. I have been mostly self-employed the last few years and working from home was a part of that. But... I would always go to Starbucks for my "fun" work...

Except... going to Starbucks, or any coffee shop, is no longer an option. Sooo... I am making this working from home thing... work. It's required some adjustments. I have told my partner to pretend that I am NOT home... otherwise she wanders into my office and chats... But we've worked that out and she now respects the closed door policy. Or rather... the ajar door policy...

It's not a fully closed door because the cat wants to come and in and out. If the door is closed, then there is a continual crying and meowing and pawing at the door. Sooo... the cat can come in. This used to work just fine in the past with our other two cats. They would come in and be quite happy to sprawl on my desk or in a basket near my keyboard. Close but not too close

Our current cat, however, is very cuddly and likes it when I sit in one spot for longer than 5 minutes. Which... as it happens... is when I am sitting down to write a blog post. She has decided that my lap, narrow as it is when I'm parked in front of my desk is a perfect size... and that my left arm is a perfect cat chaise.

Despite the fact that she gets wiggled around quite a bit by the typing of the left arm, she is quite content. She is lying here as I type, licking her front paws with an occasional swipe at her shoulders. We make eye contact occasionally and it's quite clear that she loves me and loves our together time. Yesterday morning, she fell asleep in my lap, draped over my left arm.

I'm pretty sure this is not going to work long term as she is not a petite cat (15 lbs). I'm probably carrying a good 5 lb weight on my left forearm. I can see it now, a future visit to the doctor or my massage therapist or chiropractor: "And when did this issue with your left arm/shoulder start? Well... my cat would lie on my left forearm while I was typing because I was working from home during Covid19..." Hmmm... something's got to change.

Napping cat
I'm sure there are a few other people out there who have suddenly transitioned to working from home... and it is a definite transition. It's a new routine for all concerned - partners, progeny and pets.

Some tips for working from home:
  • get dressed - don't do it in pajamas
  • comb/brush your hair - because if you don't... it might be 2 pm and you'll forget you haven't done your hair and go out for a walk and get funny looks from the neighbours
  • keep to a schedule without fail - very important - and best to get to work first thing, otherwise the day can slip through your hands like greased sand
  • closed door policy - for partners, kids and pets - if you have the luxury of a separate space. If not, have a serious conversation with all concerned (including the pets!) about respecting the work zone/time
  • be careful of the distractions - like leaving the workzone to get a cup of coffee or tea - that is prime time to be ambushed by partner, kids or progeny - maybe wear a sign or announce to all and sundry "Pretend I'm NOT here"
  • headphones - can't emphasize them enough - they make a huge difference in keeping me focused on what I'm here to do and drowning out the sounds of a crying cat

I'm going to have to make a decision here... because it's pretty clear that this feline-assisted work method is not going to work. But... she's such a cuuuttte cat... and so happy and... I am booting her off my lap now. Have you ever noticed that when you want to move a cat who doesn't want to be moved, they get very, very heavy. Sigh. I am now escorting her to the door and enforcing a strict closed door policy...

And, let's just put on the noise-cancelling headphones and some coffee jazz music. To drown out the complaining cat cries and to allow me the illusion that I am happily ensconced at a Starbucks somewhere.

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