Monday 12 August 2024

Socks and Sandals: The Surprisingly Chic Look You Never Knew You Needed

My niece and I have had a long-lasting fashion "discussion" for many years. I get disapproving stares, eye-rolls, giggles and whispered comments of "Weirdo!".

I admit it, I am NOT a fashionista. Or, rather, I tread my own fashion path, quite happily I might add.

What is my fashion crime, in the eyes of my niece (and my partner too)?

Wearing hiking socks with hiking sandals. Or, more basically... socks and sandals.

Yep, I am one of those folks who thinks nothing of wearing socks with sandals... whether it's with shorts or jeans, doesn't matter.

I've always thought of this as a signature West Coast thing. I happily wore socks with sandals all through my university years and beyond.

Although, on reflection, perhaps it started during my geology years. We'd come back to camp after spending the day clambering around mountain ridges and take off our hiking boots and sweaty socks. After a day of living in hiking boots, the skin on my feet was quite soft. I've learned the hard way that you can't just wear sandals after having your feet sweating away in shoes or boots all day. That is the fast track to a blister or sore spot. Solution? Wear fresh socks with the sandals.

Or maybe it started when my sister and I traveled around Europe. On a day that was set to be sunny and warm, you'd want to leave the hostel with your sandals on your feet. But... the mornings were too cool for naked feet in sandals. Soooo... wear socks and sandals! Of course, I'd never take the socks off because... when you wear socks to start the day... your feet get soft and tender and sweaty and wearing plain old sandals... well... same problem as above.

And whether people admit it or not, socks and sandals are infinitely cooler than shoes and sandals, so yes, socks and sandals are a solution to a hot day.

However this trend started... I am a staunch supporter of socks and sandals... mostly. I'm not so sure about the older guys who wear dress sandals and knee high socks. That's not my fashion trend but... hey... to each their own. If that is comfortable, then rock the socks! Maybe knee high socks are compression stockings? We don't know, so why judge?

I have all sorts of reasons for wearing socks and sandals... from cool mornings, to hiking in sandy areas, to adding an extra layer of cushioning to my feet. Let's face it, if you are going to be hiking in sandals, that's a lot of straps rubbing on bare skin... why not just cushion the skin with some socks?

Of course, if you're just strolling 50 feet from the car to the beach, well... then maybe sandals and naked feet make sense. But walking for any distance? Give me socks with my sandals please.

Maybe it's a fashion faux-pas. But I have yet to encounter the Fashion Police. Nor heard of anyone being hauled away for wearing socks and sandals.

Eh, who cares. I'm not a fashionista and will happily trample multiple fashion faux-pas in a single outing. I'm all about functionality and comfort.

Let my niece and partner giggle and roll their eyes... one day... they will experience the bliss of socks and sandals!

N.B. Both images were created by Google's AI image generator - Gemini. With much prompting from me. It was impossible to get it to unroll the pants of the jeans in the second image. Perhaps rolled up cuffs are now derigeur in the fashion world?

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