Wednesday 25 January 2023

The Blank Page that Writes Itself

AI generated image of an AI writing in the style of Van Gogh
"God is dead," proclaimed Nietzsche in a revolutionary statement that shook the world. And today, I am declaring that writer's block is dead! This may not be as groundbreaking for non-writers, but for those of us in the writing community, it's a game-changer.

Thanks to my nephew, I recently discovered the power of artificial intelligence in writing. That's right – AI can now write blogs, reports, essays, and more. I've been experimenting with this technology over the weekend, and let me tell you, it's nothing short of amazing. Imagine never having to struggle with writer's block again – it's a dream come true for writers everywhere. So don't be left in the dust – join me in embracing the future of writing with AI.

Does that sound like me?? It seems a bit too... chipper... or something. Hmph. Well, it's not me!

I wrote the first two paragraphs of this blog and then ran them through an AI writer and asked it to make it "more engaging". That's what it produced. At first I thought it sounded pretty good. But the more I read it... well... it sounds a bit pompous actually...

And is it actually true? Should we embrace a future of writing with AI? Are writers a dying breed?? I sometimes wonder when I read some blogs that all sound the same... are they all AI generated??

AI Writers

The AI writer that I've been playing with is through OpenAI. I asked it to give me some blog topics that focus on "small steps" for health, the environment and life in general. It happily obliged...

Here are a few ideas for writing topics that focus on small steps for health:

  1. "10 easy ways to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet"
  2. "The benefits of taking short walks throughout the day"
  3. "Why drinking more water can make a big difference for your health"

Here are a few ideas for writing topics that focus on small steps for the environment:

  1. "5 simple ways to reduce your carbon footprint at home"
  2. "How to start composting in a small apartment"
  3. "The impact of using reusable shopping bags and how to remember to bring them"

Here are a few ideas for writing topics that focus on small steps for life in general:

  1. "5 small habits that can lead to big changes in your daily routine"
  2. "The power of gratitude: how focusing on the positive can transform your life"
  3. "How to set and achieve small goals that lead to big results"

Whoa. Like... whoa. I then asked the AI (simply known as Assistant) to write a blog post about "5 small habits that can lead to big changes in your daily routine". And within a few minutes... this is what it produced.

Are you looking to make some positive changes in your daily routine, but don't know where to start? Sometimes, it's the small habits that can have the biggest impact on our daily lives. Here are 5 small habits that can lead to big changes in your routine:

  1. Waking up at the same time every day: Having a consistent sleep schedule can do wonders for your energy levels and overall health. By waking up at the same time every day (even on weekends), you can help regulate your body's natural sleep-wake cycle, which can lead to better sleep quality and more energy during the day.

  2. Eating a healthy breakfast: It's no secret that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Starting your day off with a nutritious meal can help improve your concentration and productivity, as well as support overall health and wellness. Don't skip breakfast – it's a small habit that can make a big difference in your daily routine.

  3. Staying hydrated: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is essential for maintaining good health. Water helps keep your body hydrated and functioning properly, and it can also help improve your energy levels and focus. Aim to drink at least 8-8 ounces of water a day to stay properly hydrated.

  4. Exercise: Incorporating regular physical activity into your routine can have numerous benefits for both your physical and mental health. Exercise can help reduce stress, increase energy levels, and improve your overall well-being. Even just a few minutes of physical activity each day can make a big difference in your daily routine.

  5. Practicing gratitude: Taking a few minutes each day to reflect on the things you are grateful for can help improve your mental well-being and relationships with others. Gratitude can help increase happiness and contentment, and it's a simple habit that can have a big impact on your daily routine.

Incorporating these small habits into your daily routine can lead to big changes in your overall health and well-being. Start by picking just one habit to focus on, and gradually add in the others as you become more comfortable. Before you know it, you'll be well on your way to building a healthy and fulfilling daily routine.

Huh... Maybe I should change my earth-shattering proclamation to...Writing is Dead!

But no... there are limitations to what the AI writers can do. There are a few factual errors in there (e.g. 8-8 glasses of water a day). And the tone is kind of... flat and monotonous. Although some AI writers can change tone too. And yet, it lacks that human connection, that style of writing that is unique to a human writer. At least I hope so. But who is really to say... I have a sense that the growth in Artificial Intelligence, and its abilities, is about to go exponential...

AI generated image of an AI writing at a computer (digital art style)

And I know that Google and Alexa, with their home systems (Hey Google! Hey Alexa!) have been using AI for a while. But this... this seems a step beyond that. It takes us into the realm of Star Trek. Asking the computer complex questions and having the computer respond with comprehensive answers. Mind-blowing.

AI generated image of an AI at a computer - crayon style

And let's not even talk about the AI drawing programs. OMG... just type in the picture you are looking to create and... within a few seconds, you'll have it ready for downloading. And in any style that you would like. Crayon drawing? Done. Styled like Van Gogh? Done! And my mind keeps getting blown.

So then I asked the AI... "Is Writing Dead?" And received this response...

No, writing is not dead. In fact, writing is an essential skill that is used in a wide variety of settings, including education, business, and personal communication.

In the digital age, many people still rely on writing to communicate and share ideas, whether through email, social media, or online blogs and articles. Writing is also an important form of self-expression and can be a powerful tool for creating and sharing knowledge.

While the way we write and consume written content may have changed with the advent of new technologies, the importance of writing has not diminished. Whether you are a student, professional, or simply someone who enjoys writing, the ability to write clearly and effectively will always be a valuable skill.

Well... that is reassuring. But will AI writers replace human writers?? My friendly online AI said...

It is unlikely that AI writers will completely replace human writers in the near future. While AI technology has advanced significantly and is capable of producing written content, it still lacks the creativity, nuance, and emotional depth that human writers are able to bring to their work.

However, AI technology could potentially augment the work of human writers by helping with tasks such as research, data analysis, and formatting. It is also possible that AI writers could be used to produce certain types of content, such as news articles or business reports that rely more on data and facts rather than creative storytelling.

Ultimately, the role of AI in writing will depend on the specific task and the desired outcome. It is likely that AI and human writers will continue to work alongside each other in the future, with each bringing their own unique strengths and abilities to the table

Creativity. Nuance. Emotional depth. Is that all that distinguishes us from AI writers? Interesting thought. And it makes me wonder... the AI writers have access to huge databases of information... but who provides that? Who decides what will be included and what won't? Do AI writers have a moral compass? Do they know right from wrong? The latest iterations won't answer certain questions that are deemed "harmful".... If I ask the AI how I can bully someone... I get an interesting answer...

Bullying is never acceptable and can have serious negative consequences for both the person being bullied and the person doing the bullying. It is important to treat others with kindness, respect, and empathy, and to refrain from any behavior that causes harm or discomfort to others.

If you are feeling upset or angry and are considering bullying someone, it is important to find healthy ways to manage your emotions and address any underlying issues. Seeking the support of a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional can be helpful in addressing negative thoughts and behaviors.

It is also important to remember that bullying is against the law in many places, and can result in criminal charges and legal consequences. If you are being bullied or are aware of someone who is being bullied, it is important to seek help and support from a trusted adult or authority figure.

But it does make me wonder... how could this be misused? Because sure as shootin'... humans are extremely adept at taking new technology and misusing it!

I will say this... we live in interesting times and the next few years are going to see HUGE leaps and bounds in technology. Perhaps AI will even save us from ourselves. In the meantime... I will continue to muddle along in my writing... and maybe pick up a few tips and tricks from an AI writer!

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