Monday 22 March 2021

The Shear Terror of Stepping out of my Comfort Zone

Taking the leap
(Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay)

I'm really comfortable with Blogger/Blogspot, Google's free blogging platform... the very site that this blog is hosted upon. I started using it over 10 years ago and have written a number of blogs on it. It's comfortable. It's familiar. It's safe. It's also limiting. There is only so much you can do with Blogger...

I've looked at other options in the past... Weebly, Wix, WordPress (both .com and .org)... but I always came back to Blogger. It's safe you know. And free. There's no risk with Blogger. I just write and post... but, for one of my blogs, I've been realizing that I need more space and more options.

After much research (which can be a form of procrastination), I've taken the leap and started the process of migrating 9 years worth of blog posts to site. And it is absolutely terrifying! On top of that, I am wracked by self-doubt. Am I making the right decision? There is sooooo much new stuff... you would not believe the learning curve. Am I smart enough to figure all of this out? Finding a hosting site, picking a theme, getting a security plugin and a backup plugin and an anti-spam plugin and an SEO plugin and... there are literally thousands of available plugins. There is a part of me that just wants to call the whole thing off and retreat back to my happy, safe little nest in Blogger. Yes, it might be limited... but it's safe... and easy.

It's kind of like going from a Model-T Ford to a Tesla or a Ferrari. Waaayyy more bells and whistles. And tonnes more power under the hood! But all of those buttons and levers and switches and options... do I have the time to figure all of this out? I want to write... not try and figure out the best plugins for my site... or worry about being hacked or figure out how to use Gutenberg blocks... 

The difference between my comfort zone and where the magic happens!
The difference between my comfort zone
and where the magic happens!
Have you ever seen this picture... Two circles... one with "My Comfort Zone" and one with "Where the Magic Happens. The trick is to get from one to the other and that means stepping out of my comfort zone. Which... as the arrow suggests... isn't necessarily a straight line. Call it terror... call it excitement... but there's a lot of emotion bundled up in there.

And I know that I'm not the only person this has ever happened to. If you Google "comfort zone", you'll find a gazillion websites and articles that talk about moving out of your comfort zone. As I read them, I'm pretty clear that I've built myself a nest of comfort. And I'm also clear that it is time to leap out of that nest. I can only do so much from my tests... and there is so much more to do "out there". So much more to be... But when you're standing on the edge of that nest... man... it's a long way down!

Moving from the Comfort Zone through the Fear Zone into the Learning Zone and the Growth Zone
Moving from the Comfort Zone through the Fear Zone
into the Learning Zone and the Growth Zone

And yet, I know that it's the only  way forward...  Move through the Fear Zone... into the Learning Zone and then into the Growth Zone. Until... what was learning and growth becomes my new Comfort Zone. And the cycle repeats itself.

I can see that I'm in the Fear Zone... but working my way into the Learning Zone. I've been watching a lot of YouTube videos on WordPress... reading a lot of blog articles and test driving the new website/blog and tinkering with things. There have been challenges... but I think I'm slowly finding solutions for them.

I can see that it might be a while before I feel comfortable with the new system. But the same thing happened 10 years ago when I first started on Blogger. It was all new and unfamiliar and it took me a while to get a handle on things. And now, I can help other people get set up on Blogger... who'd-a-thunk-it 10 years ago? Not me!

So there is some comfort in knowing that I have been in the place of fear and terror before... and moved through it. And... I keep reminding myself to tackle one small step at a time. I don't need to become a WordPress virtuoso in a week or a month. All I need to be able to do is write and publish my blogs. The finer details can come later... It doesn't need to be a perfect looking site right out of the box... small steps... I keep reminding myself of that... just one small, next step...

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