Monday 11 January 2021

Surrounded by Stuff

The stuff in my office got to me in mid-December. Everywhere I looked, there was just stuff and more stuff. I had had enough and started a decluttering purge.

I do this every once in a while when the decluttering bug bites me. Or when the stuff just seems like too much. Or when I watch a bit of a Hoarding: Buried Alive episode. Or after reading a book like Fumio Sasaki's book, Goodbye Things.

Lest you think I am a slob or a hoarder, I am not. I come from a long line of super-organized Germans who, while they might keep old jars and bits of string (because... you never know!), keep them in super-organized fashion. Our house was always neat and tidy growing up, even in the closets and cupboards. Everything had a home and we all knew where things went.

Now, this is not a problem when you live in a 2000 sq ft house, and we had a lot of space for stuff when I was growing up. There was a whole massive side of one cupboard totally devoted to gift wrapping - paper, bows, ribbons, tags, stuffing. It was all there. Super handy, super efficient and super organized. If you have the space...

Today, my partner and I live in the upper half of a typical BC box house and we have about 1000 sq ft (maybe a bit less cause that's the outside measurements and doesn't include the square footage devoted to walls and what-not). We have three bedrooms, one a half baths, a living room and a kitchen/dining room. Oh, and three lovely closets in the hallway. It's a nice little house but, honestly, I've lived in apartments that are about the same size. So, it's not like we have a tonne of space. I've added extra shelves in all the closets because there is always so much wasted space up top. And we use all of that space with a vengeance.

But... it's a lot of stuff. Still. Even after moving from an 1800 sq ft condo in Calgary when we came here. We did a lot of downsizing over the years, even here on the Island. Letting go of furniture and stuff. Do we really need all this stuff? What is it all anyways?

And so I go on a little scan through my closet and cupboards in my office and... quickly realize that a lot of it has sentimental value. Little stones that I've picked up along the way. Vases that look sooo cute. Tchotchkes from here and there. Trip souvenirs. Childhood books. A little vase from my grandmother, a gift from a friend. A crystal bowl from my other grandmother. Every item seems to have a memory and an emotion and a person attached to it. I can't let them go!

But, when I sit down with my partner and go through her things, I could easily let go of all of her stuff. Of course I could, I don't have the emotions and memories attached to those objects. They are just things to me and I have no attachment to them.

When I come back to my things, I sit in front of them with a perplexed frown. Why? Why do these objects hold so much attachment? And I realize... with a bit of a gulp... that I really am not all that different from those folk on the hoarding shows. I want to hang onto all of these things because of the emotions that they bring up. Whether it's joy or security or nostalgia. Or even fear. If I let go of this thing... I might need it one day! Better keep it. No matter that I haven't needed it in the lasts ten years. Nope... as soon as I let it go, Murphy's Law kicks in and I'll be needing it.

Like this. My old pair of headphones that I use at the computer were getting pretty ratty. The padding on the ear covers was deteriorating and the plastic was flaking onto the side of my face every time I put them on. So I bought a new pair. Beautiful new headphones. But then I looked at the old pair and thought... They still work just fine. Maybe I should keep them just in case something goes wrong with the new pair? So I did... for months. Crazy, no? But I happy to report that those headphones are now in the electronics recycling container, ready to go to the depot. Although... I still have an old, stained mouse pad in the cupboard... and a spare mouse... just in case the current ones die. Sigh...

And so it went... all through the latter half of December. Some things went to the thrift store. Somethings went into recycling, others into the shredder and still others got scanned first. A bunch of things got listed on Kijiji. If they sell, great. If not, off to the thrift store they go. And some things got set aside for my niece and sister... but only after checking with them first! Some things (like cute rocks and driftwood pieces) went out into the yard to decorate the fairy garden. And... a few things ended up in the garbage, but not too much.

I feel lighter, as if I can breathe and move.

Our ultimate goal, once everything settles down again (if it ever does), is to travel more. Maybe sell the house and become digital nomads. Not sure yet... but if that is our goal... all of this stuff is a big barrier to that goal. We went on a one year sabbatical a few years ago, sold the condo and put everything into storage. It was a pricey hassle, let me tell you. Not planning on doing that the second time around.

I'd rather do the decluttering slowly over time, not in one big fell swoop at the end. And, sometimes, I take pictures of the things I am releasing back into the world. Just in case I want to look at them again. You never know... and digital pictures don't take up any physical space... right?

Don't even get me started on digital decluttering. Ugh!!

Credits - desk image from Lisa Fotios from Pexels

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