Thursday 21 May 2020

Picking up the Threads of Life... or Not

Tim Horton's is opening up to dine-in customers... with social distancing measures in place. That was in the news a few days ago. Which means Stabucks won't be far behind.

And so I sit here at home and really think... if... when... Starbucks reopens to dine-in customers... will I be one of them?

There's a part of me that really, really, really wants to pick up the threads of my old life. I love going to Starbucks, plugging into an electrical outlet, connecting to WiFi and getting some work done. I love the ambience. I love seeing the regulars there, even if all we do is exchange a "Hello".

Starbucks seating in Korea - before Covid... and during Covid reopening
Starbucks seating in Korea - before Covid...
and during Covid reopening
Except... the virus isn't gone. Even though we've had no new cases on the island for several days... that doesn't mean there aren't a bunch of asymptomatic carriers out there who, with relaxed lock-down rules, will now come out of the woodwork and... infection rates could go up.

New studies have also shown that regular talking can leave droplets in the air that linger for up to eight minutes, particularly inside. Thinking of all those people in a Starbucks who might sit and talk or stand and talk and... even after they have moved off... their droplets might linger and... sigh...

This blog is all about small steps and... I don't think running back to Starbucks (or even the local independent coffee shop) is a "small step". Particularly without a vaccine in place. At this point, picking up the old threads of life seems rather irresponsible. To me.

It's been two months now since we started hunkering down and... it's kind of getting to the habitual stage. I am getting used to the idea of having my "Starbucks time" at home... even if I have to deal with feline interruptions.

And so... much as I have been dreaming of a return to some semblance of normalcy... it ain't here yet. Starbucks can open to dine-in customers... but I won't be one of them. We are going to continue to keep our circle small, our trips essential (grocery store, pharmacy and home/garden) and hunker down for the long haul.

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